19 1 月, 2016

Application of magnesium powder in steel works

Application of magnesium powder in steel works

Categories: Useful

by lisetelgwgadw@gmail.com


Categories: Useful

by lisetelgwgadw@gmail.com



Technique on How to Apply Magnesia Based Desulfuration Agentin Molten lronagnesia Based Desulfuration Agent in Molten lron


Using the high technology, the company is engaged in production of highly purifiedspherical metal magnesium po which has the granularity of 2 mm-0.0035mm(10-400 meshes),magnesium content of over 99.5% and loose thickness of0.1-0.75g/cm’.The product exceeds GB5149.1-2004 of China and has the activemagnesium of over 98.5%, and for matters of Zn<0.1%、Fe<0.2%、Ca<0.15%.Mn<0.1%、C1<0.03%、H,O<0.05%, The other foreign matter is <0.5%,Andhydrochloric acid insolubles is <0.2%。 The company turns out magnesium powderin spherical shape instead of traditional rhombus shape, which is rarely seen in theworld and used much better than those in rhombus shape.


The characteristic of magnesium powder is: it is flammable and explosive, andbrings high temperature and glaring when burning. Therefore, magnesium powderis widely used in such scientific areas as war industry and aviation industrychemical performance of magnesium is very active, which is mostly used inmetallurgical industry. Magnesium powder can server as desulfurizer or cleaningagent for steel-making industry and casting of non-ferrous metals, and reducer forproduction of rare metal. In chemical industry, magnesium powder can be used asdehydrant for organic compound or to directly make organic compound ofmagnesium, In recent years,magnesium powder has been mostly used in spaying,coating, anti-corrosion, monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon, and castingof metallurgical powder as well.


Different Size(can be customized):


it is a trend for steel enterprises to produce fine steel. The demand for high strengthsteel, special steel and steel required for fine materials is gradually risingon the market, In order to assure of demand for fine steel and materialsit is urgently needed to develop more effective desulfuration agent andtake more reasonable desulfuration agent to cut down sulfur content in molten iron.Keeping pace with the development demand of steel industry, the company hasdeveloped and produced desulfuration agent on a certain scale.


Magnesia based desulfuration agent is very powerful in desulfuration. The theoreticlimit of desulfuration is 0.1PPM.lt easily desulphurs and sulphur easily goes back.in order to prevent sulphur from going back, calcium oxide shall be used along withmagnesia based desulfuration agent so that sulfide will become calcium sulfide.which is more stable than magnesium sulfide and stays in sinter. At this time, calciumoxide serves as thinner for desulphuration and sorbent for sulphur as well.In order to use magnesia based desulfuration agent more widely and reasonably,the company, based on summarization of experiences of many enterprises, herebybrings out an introduction to relevant technical index, processing and applicationmethods for your reference


Ⅰ.Desulphuration Process:

After measuring the temperature of molten iron, taking sample and taking out sinter.inject the mixed magnesia based desulfuration agent to 2/3 deep in the molten ironunder the oxy pressure at the desulfuration station.Afterwards, clean sinter,measure temperature and take sample.


ⅡComponents of Mixed Materials


2.Calcium Oxide Based MaterialActive lime 90%cand powder 5%graphite powder 5%(1)Active lime:Cao=90%,SiO,<3% Activity =380ML

(2)Cand powder: CaF=85%, H.O<0.5%(3)Graphite powder:C>95%,H.O<0.5%


Ⅲ Processing Index

  1. Input amount: passivation magnesium powder/a ton of steel: 0.4–0.75 kg.magnesium powder/ a ton of steel:

2.26-425kg2.Desulphuration temperature: >1300C

  1. Depth of spray gun in the molten iron: 2/3 deep in the moten iron
  2. Pre-pressure of spraying and blowing: 0.45Mpa5. Pressure head:0.08Mpa6. Spraying and blowing speed: 30-40kg/min7. Transmission of N:0.7m’/min


IV.Use Method

Generally. spraving andblowing is mixed for use. Passivation magnesiumpowder is mixed with caicium oxide based material and then the mixed materialsare put into the storage ank at the desluphuration station. Providing thatspraying and blowing is used separately. you use the above method forreference and do it according to comparison of initial sulphur content.

/l.Desulphuration Effectiveness

Use 0.2-0.3 kg of the mixed powder for a ton of molten iron andsulphur content will be reduced by 0.001%

Passivation magnesium powder: 15-20% Calcium oxide based material: 80-85%

1.Passivation Maenesium PowderMa=92%S<0.002%HO<05%fire point 560-600C. burning time (1200-1300C)8-15 s, lc angle<30° The granularity is determined according to the size of a spray gun,generally 0.1-1.1 mm.


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