18 12 月, 2024

The correct way to handle Self-heating Bags

The correct way to handle Self-heating Bags

Categories: Industry News

by andelszhang


Categories: Industry News

by andelszhang


Al heating package

Self-heating bag processing tips, have you done it right?

#Correctly handle garbage# Families, today let’s talk about the correct way to handle self-heating bags after use.

Everyone knows that self-heating food is convenient and delicious, but do you know how to deal with used self-heating bags safely and environmentally friendly?


❌Wrong practice: Throw it away after use, this is absolutely not allowed! After the self-heating bag cools down, the substances inside may still be corrosive and polluting.

✅Correct practice: First, you must wait for the self-heating bag to cool down completely, which is the key first step.

Then, wrap it with a plastic bag or other sealing material and put it in a hazardous waste bin. It can be treated as solid waste or construction waste. If there is no classification of hazardous waste bins in the local area, don’t worry, you can call the local garbage disposal department for professional advice.

Remember, don’t be curious to disassemble or destroy the self-heating bag after use to avoid unnecessary harm to yourself and protect our environment.


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